Archive of licensure updates 2018
October 15, 2018
Fall 2018 Newsletter Update
Fall 2018 Newsletter Update
When the Fall 2018 newsletter came out in October, the Legislative Committee provided a great overview of the progress they've made and some of the work they've been doing! They further presented a committee update at the Membership Meeting in the same month and more information can be found in the meeting's minutes!
June 04, 2018
ORID Hosts Two Stakeholder Meetings
On May 18th and June 4th, ORID hosted two stakeholder meetings to share information and solicit input from diverse groups. The following entities had representation one or both of these meetings:
Oregon Association of the Deaf
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Region V
Oregon Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Program
Oregon American Sign Language Teachers Association
Western Oregon University
Portland Community College
Central Oregon Community College
Cerebral Palsy and Deaf Organization
Oregon DeafBlind Community Action Network
Oregon Council on Health Care Interpreters
Oregon Health Authority
Oregon Judicial Department
Oregon Department of Education
Educational (K-12) Service Programs
American Sign Language Interpreting Agencies
Video Relay Service Companies
This meeting served to start a larger conversation about interpreting standards and develop partnerships as we move forward. During these meetings there was wide-spread support for legislation that would establish a licensing board. The participants provided information that will help us move forward with this process. We look forward to continued outreach and engagement!
January 20, 2018
OAD Board Supports Licensure
ORID President, Jenna Curtis, attended the Oregon Association of the Deaf (OAD) Board Meeting to discuss the possibility of professional licensing for ASL interpreters in Oregon. Steven Brown, co-chair of OADs legislative committee discussed the benefits of licensure with the Board. The OAD Board was in support of licensure and decided that the OAD legislative committee will partner with ORID in pursing a licensing law for ASL interpreters in Oregon.
September 26, 2017
ORID Legislative Committe is Established
The ORID Legislative Committee was established by the ORID board in order to investigate state licensure for ASL interpreters, communicate with stakeholders regarding ORID’s legislative involvement, and pursue legislative action relevant to ORID’s mission.