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ORID is just one resource that supports the signed language interpreting profession in Oregon. On this page there are many more sources for student and practicing interpreters, members of the Deaf community, and those interested in ASL and Deaf culture. ORID does not endorse any of these resources specifically, and we encourage individuals to use their professional judgment in accessing any and all websites or organizations.


Interpreting Resources

Interpreting Organizations

Mentoring Resources

The packets below were created in partnership with our PCC and WOU students to help ORID members and stakeholders begin exploring mentoring relationships.


We encourage you to download and fill out the packet below that applies to you, and then bring that to ORID events and share your answers with others to help find potential mentors/mentees. We hope also to host events specifically for people who have filled out these packets and want to connect with others looking for mentoring opportunities. 

Many interpreters (and interpreting students) sense the need for mentors, but don’t know how to begin the process. This worksheet guides your exploration of the meanings of mentoring relationships and offers tips toward connecting with potential mentors and embarking on a shared growth process. Writing your answers often helps formulate clearer thoughts than just internal processing, so we encourage you to write at least brief answers after you consider each of the questions. Then you can share as much or as little as you’d like with peers and potential mentors or mentees.

For Mentors

"A tree planted in a clearing of an old growth forest will grow more successfully than one planted in an open field. The reason, it seems, is that the roots of the forest tree are able to follow the

intricate pathways created by former trees and thus embed themselves more deeply (Daloz, 2000 xiiii).


Interpreters who agree to mentoring relationships (both the newly planted tree and the tree from the old forest) are expected to grow. Mentors report improvements in their own interpreting skills and knowledge (Clark, 1995; Zachary, 2000).


Similarly, proteges or mentees who experience collegial nurturing, are likely to grow faster in the roots of their mentor's support."


From "Best Practices in Educational Interpreting 2nd Edition" by Brenda Chafin Seal

Other Resources

The National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers is a great resource for interpreters of all levels, and its website has a number of beneficial skill development activities (language learning and interpreting) at no cost:

NCIEC has also compiled dozens of insightful articles about interpreting and interpreter education. Many of the articles include skill development activities (If the article does not have an explicitly described activity, you can develop one on your own based on the article information).

ORID Frequently Asked Questions

New to ORID? Have questions about the organization or membership meetings?

Please download our ORID Member FAQ Packet Here to view the answers to these frequently asked questions:

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a living document. It was begun by the interpreting students at PCC and WOU, but addresses many questions that other community members may have as well. The FAQ is meant to grow continually with input from all stakeholders of ORID, so please feel free to suggest questions and amendments to answers provided here, and thank you for your input!


  1. What is ORID?

  2. How do I find out what’s going on with ORID?

  3. What does ORID do for me?
    3b. What is “Networking”?

  4. How can I get involved?
    4b. What kind of time commitment does involvement take?
    4c. What is expected of me if I get involved?

  5. I’m a student member; what does that mean??

  6. What if I plan to move away from Oregon for short- or long-term?

Membership Meetings:

  1. When and where is the next ORID membership meeting?

  2. How does LiveStreaming the meetings work? Do I need to use a webcam to join?

  3. Can I come to meetings if I’m not a member?

  4. How do working interpreters feel about students coming to ORID meetings?

  5. What should I wear to a meeting? What should I bring?

  6. What happens at an ORID meeting? What am I supposed to do there?

  7. I’ve heard ORID meetings are held all in ASL. What if I don’t understand?

  8. How do I know when I’m allowed to vote/comment/participate at ORID meetings?

  9. How can I approach interpreters I don’t know at ORID events?

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