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Section 1: Name and Affiliation

The name and affiliation of this organization shall be the Oregon Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (ORID). The organization shall be affiliated with the national Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Incorporated (RID).

Section 2: Use of Name and Logo

The organization logo shall be used by the chapter for official and/or approved purposes only. The organization logo may not be used by an individual member for their personal use.




Section 1: Objective

The principal objectives of this organization are to educate, initiate, sponsor, promote, and execute policies and activities that will further the profession of the interpretation of American Sign Language and English, as well as to promote the socialization and collegiality of our interpreting community.




Section 1: Categories of Membership

This organization shall have the following categories of membership:


  1. Certified Member

  2. Associate Member

  3. K-12 Member


  1. Student/Supporting Member

  2. Organizational/Institutional Member

Section 2: Eligibility

  1. Certified Member: Any interpreter or transliterator of American Sign Language and/or English who holds valid certification accepted by RID.

  2. Associate Member (pre-certified): Any individual who is actively engaged in the interpretation of American Sign Language and English and/or the transliteration of English, but who does not hold valid certification accepted by RID. 

  3. K-12 Member: Any interpreter or transliterator of American Sign Language and/or English who is employed full or part time by a school or school district in the state of Oregon for interpreters or transliterators for d/Deaf or hard of hearing individuals in primary or secondary education programs, preschool programs, or adult transition programs, and who has met the minimum EIPA score requirements for their district, school, or place of employment, may be eligible.  Availability of this membership level is subject to proof of K-12 as primary employment being submitted to and approved by the Board of Directors.

  4. Student/Supporting Member: Any pre-certified individual currently enrolled in a course of study in interpretation of American Sign Language and English and/or the transliteration of English. 

OR Any non-certified individual with an interest in supporting the purposes and activities of the organization who does not meet eligibility requirements for Sections 2.A or 2.B under Article III Membership.

  1. Organizational/Institutional Member: Any organization/institution with an interest in supporting the purposes and activities of the organization.

Section 3: Membership Status

A member-in-good-standing shall be defined as one whose dues are current.

Section 4: Voting Rights and Requirements

  1. In order to be a voting member of the organization, a person must be a member in good standing, belong to a voting category, and be a member of RID.

  2. Each voting member of the organization shall be entitled to one vote in meetings, referenda, and elections.

Any decision of the Board of Directors may be vetoed by a two-thirds majority vote of those eligible and voting during a regular or special meeting of the membership.




Section 1: Composition of Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall be composed of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Members at Large. In addition, the immediate Past President may serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Board of Directors for one term.

Section 2: Powers and Limitations

All powers of the organization shall be exercised by or under the authority of the Board of Directors. Unless so authorized by the Board of Directors, no officer, agent, or member shall have any power or authority to bind the organization by any contract or engagement or to pledge its credit or to render it liable monetarily for any purpose or in any amount. All charges, responsibilities, and membership directives shall persist until fulfilled regardless of any changes to the makeup of the Board of Directors.

Section 3: Qualifications

  1. All Board members shall be members-in-good-standing and voting members of ORID and RID.

Section 4: Terms of Office

  1. Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member-at-Large shall serve two year terms.

  2. The terms of office for the President, Treasurer, and MAL 1 shall commence during the even numbered years the terms of office for the Vice President, Secretary, and MAL 2 shall commence during the odd numbered years.

  3. No officers shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

Section 5: Vacancies

Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall exist upon the death, resignation, or removal of any Board member.

  1. A Board member shall be removed or asked to resign from office if:

    1. The Board member moves outside the geographic area and is unable to regularly attend Board of Directors meetings.

    2. Any Board member who is not satisfactorily performing their duties will be asked to resign.

    3. The Board member fails to maintain membership in ORID and RID.

  2. Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors time remaining in the term may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining Directors.

    1. In the event of removal due to legal action or for-cause shall be defined as a director who fails to meet their position responsibilities or who does not act in the best interest of the organization. Removal from the Board requires two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors in a closed session. The individual and the Board shall be notified of such a closed session and the specific purpose no less than two weeks before the meeting is to take place.

Section 6: Duties

  1. General Duties

    1. Perform duties as prescribed by the voting membership, the Board of Directors, or as required by law.

    2. Approve the budget of the organization annually.

    3. Provide a comprehensive organizational report no later than ninety days after the end of each fiscal year.

    4. Attend board meetings and workshops organized and/or sponsored by ORID.

  2. Officers’ Duties

    1. The President

      1. Represents the organization in all appropriate activities.

      2. Presides at the meetings of the members and/or directors.

      3. Appoints committees.

      4. Provides at least quarterly reports to the membership concerning business and Board of Directors activities and financial status of the organization.

      5. Maintain a relationship between ORID, the Region V Representative, and the national office.

    2. The Vice President

      1. In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice President shall assume all duties of the President. 

      2. Oversees volunteer recruitment and engagement for Committees.

    3. The Secretary

      1. Keeps complete and accurate records of the proceedings of the Board of Directors & ORID Membership meetings.

      2. Supervises the keeping of all organizational records.

      3. Has the authority to co-sign checks with the Treasurer or any other person designated through the action of the Board of Directors.

    4. The Treasurer

      1. Supervises the receipt and safekeeping of all corporation funds.

      2. Has the authority to co-sign checks with the President or any other person designated through action of the Board of Directors.

    5. Member-at-Large (2)

      1. Works with the Board of Directors, assisting with the coordination of activities and communication in and among members statewide.

    6. Immediate Past President

      1. May serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Board of Directors for one term.




Section 1: Formation of Committees

Upon the Board of Directors’ approval, the President shall appoint any committees, including, standing, special, and/or ad hoc committees to serve for a specified term. For each committee the President shall designate a member of the Board of Directors to serve as a non-voting member. A majority of the entire committee shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2: Removal of Committee Members

  1. Any Committee member who is not satisfactorily performing their duties may be asked to resign by a vote of a quorum of the Board of Directors.




Section 1: Nominations

  1.  ORID shall accept nominations beginning February 1st. In order for nominee information to be included in the pre-election mailing to the general membership, submissions must be made one month prior to the Spring Membership Meeting .

  2. A list of the nominees and their backgrounds shall be provided to ORID members no later than two weeks prior to the Membership Meeting.

Section 2: Elections/Voting

  1. Elections shall be held at the Spring Membership Meeting. Proxies may be sent in lieu of a voting member who cannot attend the meeting. New officers shall begin office July 1st.

  2. Elections shall be held only for positions with more than one candidate on the ballot. Any uncontested candidate shall be considered elected without the counting of votes.

  3. Ballots shall be counted by at least two members who are not candidates.

  4. Election results shall be confirmed and announced during the Spring ORID Membership Meeting as well as in the following newsletter.

  5. A simple majority of the votes cast shall be sufficient to elect all ORID positions.

  6. In the event of a tie, a run-off election shall be held during the Spring Membership Meeting.




Section 1: General Membership Meetings / Board of Directors Meetings

  1. The Board of Directors shall meet at least four times a year. The President or two Board members may call additional meetings when deemed necessary.

  2. All motions, except those related to bylaws, shall be passed with a simple majority of the voting members present, remotely or in person.

  3. A quorum for Board Meetings shall consist of a majority of Board Members. A quorum for Membership Meetings shall consist of a combination of at least 10 members eligible to vote,

 whether in person or remotely via online remote meeting platform.

  1. Motions and voting done online shall require a minimum of 25% eligible voting members to respond and, except those related to bylaws, shall be passed with a simple majority.

  2. In the event of a tie in an election, online ranked choice voting ballots shall be distributed to members following the Spring Membership Meeting.

  3. Final votes on motions, changes to By-Laws, and other membership actions will be sent electronically to all voting members. Subject to Item E.




  1. A decision to raise or lower dues by more than 10% shall be authorized by a two-thirds vote of the voting membership present at any Membership Meeting.

  2. A written notice of the motion to change dues shall be communicated in written or electronic form to each member two weeks prior to the date of the next Membership Meeting.

  3. Dues shall become payable on or before the first day of the membership year.




Section 1: Proposed Revisions

  1. Proposed revisions to these bylaws shall be presented in writing to the Board of Directors no less than 30 days prior to being presented to the general membership.

  2. Bylaw changes made to comply with RID shall not require a vote but shall automatically become incorporated within the bylaws after reporting such changes to the membership.

  3. Due notice in writing of the proposed amendments or revisions shall be communicated in written or electronic format to each member not less than two weeks prior to the start of the voting window.

  4. These bylaws may be amended or revised by a two-thirds vote of eligible participating voters.




The fiscal year of the organization shall begin on the first day of July and end on the thirtieth day of June of each year.




The organization shall not discriminate in the matter of membership on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, ethnicity, hearing status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression.




In the event of ORID dissolution, all monies, property, and records shall be held in trust for three years. If ORID is not re-established within three years of dissolution, all monies, property, and records shall be donated to RID.

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